This week Bb is for bugs! We will be learning about different bugs in our environment, letter Bb sounds and recognition, counting objects 1 to 10 and writing letters in our names. The children have been working with paint & glue during small group activities and they sure do love it!!
Social & Emotional skills: We have been teaching the children how to communicate to one another in a positive way.
This month's fruit of the spirit characteristic: Gentleness
Please make sure your child has sunblock on before school, or send in sunblock if he or she may need it during the day.
Lunches: keep in mind children need a balance diet of protein, bread, fruits and veggies. Please don't send in high sugar foods. A balanced diet helps each child participate and cooperate with our schedule and routines during the day. Thank you!
Items your child needs:
water play clothes for water play activities, extra change of clothes, wet wipes, a water bottle with name labeled on it to keep at school for outside time and safe tennis shoes for the playground. Flip flops and sandals are not allowed on the playground. Crocks are ok thanks!
Wish List:
Popsicles for hot days, water buckets, pool noodles, parachute for outside activities, extra outside games (kids corn hole), or anything that includes water play. Thank you!