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Happy New Year!!

Refer a child and receive a $25 credit towards your account!! We are preparing for our school age camp program this year and it will be offered for a full day during the summer and school day so if you have school age children ages 5 to 9 and interested let me know and feel free to spread the word. I think the hours will be 8 am to 5 pm for our school age summer camp!! Also, our preschool will be open all year as well!! Currently, we are working on our programs for the new year!! We are enrolling now for a tap and ballet combo class for the girls which will meet every Thursday afternoon ages 4 to 6 . The cost is $55 a month plus registration fee. Share with your family and friends and we will be offering the Playball program as well during school hours. Let need know if you are interested in your child enrolling In a program!! Thanks

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